February 2009...
2010 →
2009 on Wikipedia




























← 2009/ 2011 →
← start / end →
2010 on Wikipedia








































← 2010/ 2012 →
← start / end →
2011 on Wikipedia








"How do we handle tomorrow?"
"What do you mean?"
"I feel like I was just asked to become the thirteenth disciple! What do you think?"


"Captain Crazy is back." - "Father?"
"Some of us have jobs, you know... I've got to be in court in an hour."
"I bring you a gospel of oblivion. I bring you the Soulsword. Taste it and cease to be."


"Whoa. Anyone else just feel that?"
"You believe yourselves immune to death?"
"Could be. Boy."


"Comic books have traditionally been lettered using an all capital style.
Deploying bold to denote emphasis..."










"No visitors in six months, and now two in one night! When it rains, it pours!"
"You are a bloody miracle. Be seeing you..."
"Samantha Brown! You have to get out of here! Your vagina is haunted!" - "Like fog just lifted..."




"I didn't get a lot of prep time here and I think
that should be taken into consideration before final grades are given."


← 2011/ 2013 →
← start / end →
2012 on Wikipedia









"No one ever comes here. Do you know why?"
"Your vagina is haunted!"
















← 2012/ 2014 →
← start / end →
2013 on Wikipedia








"Been there! Done that!"








← 2013/ 2015 →
← start / end →
2014 on Wikipedia



 "Are you going to the seminar?"

← 2014/ 2016 →
← start / end →
2015 on Wikipedia


 "I'm back on the straight and narrow thanks to you guys.
But you maybe wanna take a look at Mrs. Sanchez's black mold problem."





 "Do you smell that? Like something dead in the walls?"

← 2015/ 2017 →
← start / end →
2016 on Wikipedia




"We never had the intel 'til after the job before. Mr. Slick Shit always one step ahead of the
"But this time... we got the information first. Followed you. Caught you."
"Into the "Boom Tube" with you. A new plaything for granny."
 fucking CIA." |

"But this time? You fucked up, John."


 "Stop squirming, you pansy."


 "...but I'm not that clumsy!"





← 2016/ 2018 →
← start / end →
2017 on Wikipedia
 "My caseworker says I have moments of uncontrolled rage brought on by traumatic events in my childhood."










 "When the world fell... they burned the books, leaving nothing but a random collection of
We history men and women preserve these stories..."








← 2017 / 2019 →
← start / end →
2018 on Wikipedia
 "That'll make him shit his pantaloons."










 INFINITE COLLAGE 10th BIRTHDAY !!! 2009 - 2019 Feb. 14 |

 In Memoriam: Cahl Schroedl 2018
 "Even though it is hopeless, I must try again!"

 In Memoriam: Adam Sherwin 2018





 ← 2018 / 2020 →
← start / end →
2019 on Wikipedia |







 "Did you go to the seminar?"






 ← 2019 / 2021 →
← start / end →
2020 on Wikipedia |







 ← 2020 / 2022 →
← start / end →
2021 on Wikipedia |


 "You gotta eat it to stay in the treehouse."






 "Would you like to eat me? You can become immortal if you eat me."
 "I'm back, sorry for the delay."












 ← 2021 / 2023 →
← start / end →
2022 on Wikipedia |




















 ← 2022 / 2024 →
← start / end →
2023 on Wikipedia |
 RIP Ray Matthewman










 ← 2023 / 2025 →
← start / end →
2024 on Wikipedia |








 sign: do not disturb tiny grass is dreaming |


 to be continued... ← start ← like us on FB:
